You have a red laser pointer, right? You don't really see the beam unless it is going through something like chalk dust.
First, if they were lasers, you wouldn't be able to see them from the side very well. I am almost certain ( almost) that nowhere in the Star Wars movies (even in Episode I) does a character refer to these as 'lasers.' Really, there isn't much to talk about here that hasn't been discussed a thousand times before. Here is the deal: What are these blasters? How fast are the blaster bolts? Do the blasters from the spacecraft travel at about the same speed as the handheld blasters? Why do people still think these are lasers? Lasers, They Are Not Finally, the 35 th Anniversary of Star Wars has motivated me to complete my study (which I haven't actually started). You have no idea how long I have been planning to look at the blasters in Star Wars.