Tested with a pressure test load of eight tons. The bolt is extremely durable and has been The bolt and bolt handle have been forged from one piece. The receiver frame is made of forged, surface-hardened tempered steel and has been driven into its dimensionsīy automatic machine tools. Bofors Steel was used at least in the barrels producedīetween 19. Six right-handed rifling bars, the rise of the rifling varies by the caliber. The barrel is made of a cold-forged from the high-quality Swedish Bofors steel. Hunter, Deluxe, Super Deluxe, Carbine, Varmint, Classic and Target. In 1984, the entire Sako rifle collection was renewed and the following models were available with the Sako L579 lock bolt: The rifle was also produced a Sako L579 'Mannlicher' model, caliber. Heavier than other models (total weight 3.8 kg). The weapons were manufactured in following calibers. There are four versions of the Sako L579 Forester's rifle, Standard, Deluxe, Heavy-Barrel and Mannlicher -carbine stock model. The weapon was originally named Sako L579, but later the word “forester” was included
The new hunting rifle was designed in such a way that in it could be used as much as possible the precision casting parts The Sako L579 -rifle was designed by Eino Mäkinen at the Sako factory in 1958 on basis of the previous Sako L57 -rifle.